PROGRAM (*invited)
-Click on the link PDF to the right of the title to download the presentation-
-Poster presentations at the end
Sunday, Ferbuary 3rd, evening
16:00-19:00 Registration and conference package pick-up
19:00-21:00 Welcome cocktail, at the RIU Tequila conference center.
Monday, February 4th, morning session
08:00-8:50 Registration and conference package pick-up
08:50-09:00 Conference Opening
Observations of magnetic fields I
09:00-09:30 *Johannes Staguhn: The new SOFIA polarimeter
09:30-09:50 *Felipe Alves: Polarization prospects with ALMA: an unprecedented view of magnetic fields
09:50-10:10 *François Boulanger: Planck observations of dust polarization
10:10-10:30 *Josep M. Girart: SMA Legacy Project: Filaments, Star Formation and Magnetic Fields
10:30-11:00 Coffee break & Posters
Magnetic fields in the laboratory and basic plasma processes I
11:00-11:30 *Masaki Yamada: Study of Particle Heating and Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
11:30-12:00 *Alex Lazarian: Theory and Implications of Magnetic Reconnection in Astrophysical Environments
12:00-12:30 *Gregorz Kowal: Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulent Media and Applications
12:30-16:00 Lunch break
Monday, February 4th, evening session
Magnetic fields in the laboratory and basic plasma processes II
16:00-16:30 *Ethan Vishniac: Helicity Conservation and the Astrophysical Dynamo
16:30-16:45 Erico Rempel: Supertransient magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in accretion disks ( PDF)
16:45-17:00 Tomasz Plewa: The Braginskii model of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Thermal conduction, self-generated magnetic fields, and comparison to experiments
17:00-17:30 Coffee and posters
Observations of magnetic fields II
17:30-17:45 Pedro Palmeirim: Magnetic fields and filaments seen by Herschel in the ISM - The case of the Taurus B211 filament
17:45-18:15 *Tom Troland: Measurement of Magnetic Fields in Giant Molecular Clouds
Tuesday, February 5th, morning session
Magnetic fields in the laboratory and basic plasma processes III
08:30-09:00 *Edith Falgarone: Multi-scale observations of Intense velocity shears, magnetic fields and filaments in diffuse gas
09:00-09:30 *Andrey Beresnyak: Scalings and properties of MHD turbulence (PDF)
Magnetic fields in the ISM and star forming regions I
09:30-10:00 *Richard Crutcher: Testing Star Formation Paradigms with Magnetic Field Observations
10:00-10:30 *Christopher McKee: Magnetic Fields in Star-Forming Molecular Clouds
10:30-11:00 Coffee break and posters
11:00-11:30 *Daniele Galli: Cosmic-ray ionization and heating in molecular cloud cores
11:30-12:00 *Susana Lizano: Interaction of Magnetospheres in Young Binaries.
12:00-12:15 Chat Hull: Are magnetic fields and outflows aligned in low-mass, protostellar cores? ( PDF)
12:15-16:00 Lunch break
Tuesday, February 5th, evening session
Magnetic fields in the ISM and star forming regions II
16:00-16:30 *Carl Heiles: Enhanced Faraday Rotation and Turbulence in the Warm Partially Ionized Medium ( PDF)
16:30-17:00 *Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino: Star formation and reconnection diffusion of magnetic flux: a new paradigm from pc to AU scales ( PDF)
17:00-17:30 *Enrique Vázquez-Semadeni: Interstellar MHD Turbulence and Star Formation
17:30-17:45 Terrence Tricco: Protostellar jets from SPMHD simulations of star formation ( PDF)
17:45-18:15 Discussion session
18:15-19:00 Special poster session & coffee
Wednesday, February 6th, morning session
Magnetic fields in the ISM and star forming regions III
08:30-09:00 *Alejandro Esquivel: Using statistics of turbulence to gauge magnetic fields
09:00-09:30 *Blakesley Burkhart: Statistics of turbulence from observations (PDF)
09:30-10:00 *Dmitri Pogosyan: Turbulence properties from synchrotron studies.
10:00-10:30 *Terry Jones: Interstellar Polarization and the Galatic Magnetic Field
10:30-11:00 Coffee break & posters
11:00-11:30 *Thiem Hoang: Predictive power of the modern grain alignment theory
11:30-12:00 *B-G Anderson: Observational Constraints on Interstellar Grain Alignment Mechanisms (PDF)
Magnetic fields in planets, stars, the sun, and compact objects I
12:00-12:30 *Fred Adams: Magnetically controlled accretion flows and winds from planets (PDF)
12:30-13:00 *Diego Falceta-Gonçalves: Magnetized Stellar Winds
Free Afternoon
Thursday, February 7th, morning session
08:30-09:00 *Jungyeon Cho: Relativistic MHD turbulence in a strongly magnetized medium
09:00-09:30 *Andreas Reisenegger: Magnetic fields of neutron stars (PDF)
09:30-10:00 *Huirong Yan: Gamma ray bursts induced by magnetic reconnection (PDF)
10:00-10:30 Coffee break & posters
10:30-11:00 *Norbert Langer: Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Stellar Evolution
11:00-11:30 *Guillermo Garcia-Segura: The Evolution up to the Post-AGB stage with rotation and Magnetic Fields
11:30-11:45 Subhanjoy Mohanty: Radius-Dependent Angular Momentum Evolution in Low-Mass Stars
11:45-12:00 Swetlana Hubrig: New magnetic field measurements in cluster and field massive O-type stars
12:00-12:30 *Jim Stone: Radiation dominated MHD accretion flows
12:30-16:00 Lunch break
Thursday, February 7th, evening session
Magnetic fields in planets, stars, the sun, and compact objects III
16:00-16:30 *Daisaku Nogami: Flares and superflares in solar type stars
16:30-16:45 Priscilla Pilly: Geomagnetic Field variations during the current solar cycle and their impact on hurricanes in the Caribbean
16:45-17:15 *Nicolai Pogorelov: Magnetic Field in the Vicinity of the Heliopause: Matching Observations and Modeling
17:15-17:30 Paolo Desiati: Anisotropy of TeV Cosmic Rays and the Outer Heliospheric Boundaries (PDF)
17:30-18:15 Special Poster session & Coffee
20:00 Conference Dinner
Friday, February 8th, morning session
Magnetic fields in galaxies
09:30-10:00 *Marita Krause: Magnetic fields in spiral galaxies
10:00-10:30 *Katarzyna Otmianowska-Mazur: Cosmic ray driven dynamo in barred and dwarf irregular galaxies. 3D numerical global simulations
10:30-10:45 *Jennifer Schober: Magnetic field amplification in young galaxies ( PDF)
10:45-11:15 Coffee break & posters
11:15-11:30 Jamie Farnes: Probing galaxy interactions via spectropolarimetry ( PDF)
11:30-11:45 Joern Geisbuesch: CGPS Galactic Magnetic Field studies
11:45-12:00 Rodion Stepanov: An observational test for correlations between cosmic rays and magnetic fields
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
Friday, February 7th, evening session
Magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and beyond
14:00-14:30 *Gianfranco Brunnetti: CRs in galaxy clusters and their interplay with magnetic fields
14:30-15:00 *Klaus Dolag: Early universe magnetic fields (simulations)
15:00-15:30 *Reinaldo Santos-Lima: 3D colissionless-MHD simulations of the turbulent intracluster medium
15:30-15:45 Monica Trasatti: Exploring the magnetic field properties of the the galaxy cluster A2256 through radio observations
15:45-16:15 Discussion session
16:15-16:45 Final remarks and conference summary
Poster Presentations (incomplete list)
Crsitóbal Armaza: MagnetoHydroDynamic equilibria in barotropic stars ( PDF)
Aldo Batta-Márquez: Cooling-Induced Structures in Collapsar Accretion Disks ( PDF)
K.N. Gourgouliatos: Hall Equilibria Solutions with Toroidal and Poloidal Magnetic Fields in Neutron Star Crusts ( PDF)
Héctor J. Hortúa: Equivalence Betweem Formulations in Cosmological Perturbation Theory: the primordial magnetic fields as an example ( PDF)
Hidetomo Sawai: Global Simulations of Magnetorotational Instability in Core-Collapse Supernovae ( PDF)
Dmitry Zhuridov: Muon-Electron Conversion and Neutrino Magnetic Moment in Effective Theory (PDF)