Multi-TeV flaring of Blazars: Possible mechanism and observational constraint
Sarira Sahu (ICN-UNAM)
Flaring seems to be the major activity of the blazars which is unpredictable and switches between quiescent and active states involving different time scales. While in some blazars a strong temporal correlation between X-ray and multi-TeV gamma-ray has been observed, outburst in some other have no low energy counterparts (orphan flaring) and explanation of such extreme activity needs to be addressed through different mechanisms. It is also very important to have simultaneous multiwavelength observation of the flaring period to constraint different theoretical models of emission in different energy regimes. The extragalactic background light (EBL) plays very important role by depleting the very high energy gamma-rays through electron-positron pair production. In this talk I shall talk about the photohadronic model complimented by EBL effect to explain the multi-TeV flaring from blazars.