Reduction and enhancement of production of linearly polarized holographic photons in a strongly coupled magnetized plasma

Daniel Avila Hernández, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM

The quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formed in highly energetic particle collisions, like those at RHIC and the LHC experiments, is a strongly coupled system. Not only that, it is now widely accepted that a very intense magnetic field is generated in non-central collisions. Given that photons produced escape the plasma essentially undisturbed, they are very appealing probes to obtain information about the first stages of the plasma evolution. The AdS/CFT correspondence has proven to be a useful tool for studying the non-perturbative properties of this plasma, by means of studying solutions of dual gravitational theories. In this talk I will discuss one such gravitational model, and the results regarding the emission of photons that we obtained. 

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