Revisiting constraints on 3+1 active-sterile neutrino mixing using IceCube data

Dr. Salvador Miranda-Palacios, University of Johannesburg

We analyze published IceCube data based on two different active-sterile mixing schemes using one additional sterile neutrino flavor. We present exclusion regions in the parameter ranges 0.01 \u2264 sin^2 \u03b8_{24} \u2264 0.1 and 0.1 eV^2 \u2264 \u2206m^2 {42} \u2264 10 eV^2 for the mass-mixing and flavor mixing schemes. Under the more conservative mass- mixing scheme, 3\u03c3 CL allowed regions for the appearance experiment and MiniBooNE latest result are excluded at more or equal to 3\u03c3 CL. In case of less-restrictive flavor-mixing scheme, results from the appearance experiments are excludedat more or equal  2\u03c3 CL. We also find that including prompt component of the atmospheric neutrino flux relaxes constraints on sterile mixing for \u2206m^2_{42} more or equal  1 eV^2.