Transient Luminous Events observed by Tatiana II mission, and the next step

Dr. Oscar Martínez

Satellite "Universitetsky-Tatiana-2"(later- on Tatiana-2 satellite) was launched on September 20 of 2009 to solar synchronous polar orbit with the height 820-850 km and inclination 98:8 deg 26 [Sadovnichy et al. , 2011]. The main goal of the scientific program of this satellite as well as of the first satellite of the same class "Universitetsky -Tatiana" [Sadovnichy et al., 2007] is the study of space near the Earth by measuring the charge particle fluxes at the orbit and radiation from the atmosphere. The data discussed in this talk were collected in period from October 20, 2009 to January 17, 2010. We present the main chacacteristics of the TLE's observed and some of the several hypothetical models of their production are discussed. The next step of the University Space program: M.Lomonosov satellite is also presented.