Fermion Flavours and the Dynamics of Gauge Theories

Number of fermion flavours dictates the existence of asymptotic freedom in QCD. There are indications that below this critical value lies a conformal window where the asymptotically free QCD shows no confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. QED3 also exhibits a similar phase transition. A critical value of the number of flavours lies at the boundary of its chirally symmetric-confined and asymmetric/deconfined phases. Is there a generality associated with this behaviour? Do other gauge theories exhibit a similar pattern? In this talk we take up the example of QED4 and show that for a fixed interaction strength, it also has a critical number of flavours above which fermions cease to have dynamical masses. We find this statement independent of the model one chooses for the photon propagator in the study of the Schwinger-Dyson equations. Even an all order resummation of the leading logarithms conserves this pattern.