QCD phase diagram: where models meet the lattice QCD simulations

Prof. Ricardo L. Sonego Farias, Universidad Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil

Quantum Chromodynamics under extreme conditions is interesting for a number of reasons and has received a lot of attention due to its relevance to heavy-ion collisions, compact stars and for a possible important role in the evolution of the early Universe. We can understand extreme conditions as finite temperature, finite density, electromagnetic fields, finite isospin density and chiral imbalanced matter. It is very important to understand some fundamental aspects of the phase transitions that can appear in the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter under these conditions. It motivates many studies of nuclear and quark matter with a variety of QCD effective models. The aim of this talk is to show that there are regimes where we can verify if the predictions of effective models of QCD are reliable when compared with first principle QCD calculations implemented on the lattice simulations.

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