Exclusive hadronic tau decays as probes of non-SM interactions

Dr. Javier Rendón Castañeda, ICN-UNAM

We perform a global analysis of exclusive hadronic tau decays into one and two mesons using the low-energy limit of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory up to dimension six, assuming left-handed neutrinos. A controlled theoretical input on the Standard Model hadronic form factors, based on chiral symmetry, dispersion relations, data and asymptotic QCD properties, has allowed us to set bounds on the New Physics effective couplings using the present experimental data. Our results highlight the importance of semileptonic Tau decays in complementing the traditional low-energy probes, such as nuclear beta decays and semileptonic pion and kaon decays, and also in complementing the high-energy measurements at LHC scales. Therefore Tau physics is more than a clean low energy QCD laboratory (for which is very well known). It can also be used as a probe of NP. This makes yet another reason for considering hadronic Tau decays as golden modes at Belle-II.

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